Client Service Associate 应届/两年内经验 16-30K


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  • 薪资上不封顶
  • 支持上海落户

About AlphaSights AlphaSights is the global leader in knowledge on-demand. We connect investors and business leaders with the knowledge they need to succeed. Working from nine cities globally, our 1500+ colleagues provide round-the-clock coverage to the world's top investment funds, consultancies, and Fortune 500s. Founded in 2008, AlphaSights is a fast-growing, founder-led company. Learn more about us at About this role As a Client Service Associate, your work is at the heart of what we do: you’ll be the link between our clients and the expert knowledge they seek. To succeed in this role, you need to be motivated to deliver results for your clients and to achieve commercial goals. This is a communications-intense frontline role requiring a client-first mindset and the ability to multi-task across parallel workstreams. Throughout a fast-paced workday, you’ll work on urgent projects from investors, strategists, and dealmakers at top-tier client organizations. You’ll field incoming project briefs, quickly assess your clients’ exact knowledge needs (e.g. when due-diligencing an investment opportunity), and then find, outreach, and vet the experts most suited for each project. You will own and manage all aspects of client-to-expert interactions, including scheduling, rescheduling, and follow-up inquiries. What you’ll do Client service: Field incoming client briefs and utilize your business acumen to find and recommend the most relevant experts for each project. Complete tasks across multiple projects quickly and under pressure and go the extra mile to impress your clients with your proactivity and responsiveness. Market context: Understand the project brief and the legal and regulatory environment in which your clients operate. Apply the compliance protocols to each situation. Expert recruiting: Confidently reach out to, recruit, and vet experts who are uniquely relevant matches for your clients’ projects. Commercial impact: Take on direct revenue responsibility and own monthly targets from the outset. What you’ll get Client and senior executive facing responsibility from the get-go. The opportunity to make a measurable contribution to your business unit’s revenue growth and to achieve significant variable compensation reflecting your success. A clear career path for advancement to Manager after 24-30 months, and to Vice President after ~5 years. A unique training curriculum and intense on-the-job coaching, helping you develop highly transferable commercial and managerial skills. An inspiring, high-energy, merit-based environment with ambitious peers. AlphaSights公司简介 AlphaSights是按需知识服务领域的全球领导者。我们为投资者和企业领导者链接所需知识,助力他们取得成功。AlphaSights拥有逾1500名员工,九大办事处,为全球顶级投资基金、咨询公司和《财富》500强企业提供全天候服务。AlphaSights 成立于2008 年,是一家发展迅速、由创始人领导的公司。 了解更多关于我们的信息,请访问。 职位简介 Client Service Associates是AlphaSights开展业务的核心力量,是为客户链接各行各业专家,获取行业洞见的重要桥梁。 Client Service Associates将为客户交付成果并达成业绩作为工作目标。这是一个需要进行大量沟通的一线岗位,需要以客户为中心,并且在同一时间处理多项时效紧迫的项目请求。Client Service Associates的每一天都是快节奏、高效率的。你将处理来自顶级投资者、战略规划者和交易者的紧急项目,快速评估客户的知识需求(例如:对投资机会进行尽职调查),并寻找、联系和审核最适合每个项目的专家。作为协助客户方需求和链接专家的主要负责人,你需要对客户与专家之间沟通互动的各方面负责,包括为双方安排访谈时间,根据需求灵活更改时间,时时跟进项目进度等。 工作职责 客户服务:处理收到的客户需求,利用你的商业见解为每个项目寻找和推荐最相关的专家。抗压能力强,可以高效率地完成多项时效紧迫的项目请求。我们寻找的候选人积极主动,迅速回应,有能力和动力超额完成任务,超越客户期待。 市场环境洞察:了解项目需求以及客户所处行业的法律法规环境,并将公司合规框架应用到每个项目中。 专家招聘:这是一个需要进行大量沟通的一线岗位,你需要自信地联系、招聘和审核与客户项目相匹配的专家。 商业成果:直接为公司创造收益,拥有个人业绩指标,直接衡量商业成果 工作收获 从入职初期起即可直接对接客户和高级管理人员,并对商业结果负责。 为你所在业务部门的收入增长做出可量化的贡献,并获得基于个人业绩的可观薪酬。 职位晋升路径明确:入职24-30个月后有机会晋升为经理,约五年后有机会晋升为副总裁。 独特的培训课程和大量的在职辅导,帮助你培养高度“可迁移的”商业技能和管理技能 工作环境激励人心、充满活力、任人唯贤,周围同事积极上进,充满抱负。 岗位要求 本科学历及以上,无需工作经历 学科成绩优异,平均学分绩点(GPA) 3.3 或获得2:1荣誉学士学位及以上 在校内外活动中表现优异 有以客户为中心或其他商业领域相关的实习经验 出色的沟通能力 英语流利,可作为工作语言; 英语四六级不低于550 分,雅思不低于6.5 分或 GRE不低于320 分 薪酬福利 预估第一年总薪酬从 296,200 元(平均绩效)到 379,100 元(出色绩效)不等,其中包括 (i) 192,000 元的年基本工资和 (ii) 上不封顶的个人业绩奖金 十天年假 私人医疗保险、医疗基金和年度健康检查 位于上海市中心的一流办公室,设施配备齐全; 每周五可选择居家办公。


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