正在招聘 “物料软装设计师” 等职位
高地设计 | Highland Interior Architects
hia | 高地设计成立于广州,是一家专注于室内建筑领域的设计咨询公司。
hia | Highland Interior Architects is a professional interior architecture design consulting firm.
We believe that rigorous, rational thinking is as important as creativity, and that research and deduction are important tools for design. While a design that is wildly imaginative can bring sensory shock to audiences, a well-thought-out design can further create more links between spatial experience and brand value, between locality and cutting-edge trends, between user behavior and market demand, creating the possibility of sustainability for clients and effectively driving business success.
Our designers are directly involved in all aspects of the project, from conceptual design to the implementation and completion of engineering and soft furnishings configurations, to ensure that our design concept is consistently implemented into the final landed outcome.
We are constantly iterating and innovating in our project practice, using the power of design to maximize the value of a space and give it warmth and continuity. It is our vision to use design to create positive impact.
- 考核晋升
- 定期绩效调薪
- 团队奖金
- 老员工带新
- 内部课程资源
- 企业名称:高地室内设计咨询(广州)有限公司
- 法定代表人:庄迪
- 成立时间:2014-11-10
- 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
- 经营状态:在营
- 注册资本:100万人民币
- 注册地址:广州市天河区白沙水路91号105房(仅限办公用途)
- 营业期限:2014-11-10至-
- 所属地区:广东省
- 统一社会信用代码:914401063210251454
- 核准日期:2021-04-15
- 曾用名:广州高地装饰设计有限公司
- 登记机关:广州市天河区市场监督管理局
- 所属行业:-
- 经营范围:工程管理服务;专业设计服务;工业设计服务;家具销售;房地产咨询;社会经济咨询服务;建筑物清洁服务;建设工程设计;技术进出口;货物进出口;住宅室内装饰装修
上午09:00 - 下午06:00