NIO is a global smart electric vehicle company founded in November 2014. Dedicated to creating a joyful lifestyle for users by providing high-performance smart electric vehicles and exceptional user experiences, NIO is the first car company listed in the United States, Hong Kong, and Singapore. NIO currently has two major brands under its umbrella: NIO and ONVO.
After more than nine years of development, NIO has become one of the world's leading smart electric vehicle companies. NIO is committed to the forward development of core technologies, and as of the end of June 2024, the company has filed for and obtained over 9,000 patents. Additionally, NIO has developed NIO Full Stack, a collection of 12 technology domains.
NIO has R&D and manufacturing facilities in Shanghai, Hefei, Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, San Jose, Munich, Oxford, Berlin, Budapest, and Singapore. The company has also established sales and service networks in China, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark.
NIO currently offers eight high-end smart electric vehicle models. ONVO's first product will be launched in September 2024. As of June 30, 2024, NIO has delivered a total of 537,020 vehicles, leading the premium BEV segment priced above RMB 300,000.
- 完善的晋升机制
- 晋级涨薪
- 股票期权
- 老员工带新
- 岗前带薪培训
- 内部课程资源
- 大牛带队
- 校招培养
- 企业名称:上海蔚来汽车有限公司
- 法定代表人:秦力洪
- 成立时间:2015-05-07
- 企业类型:有限责任公司(外国法人独资)
- 经营状态:存续
- 注册资本:300000万美元
- 注册地址:上海市嘉定区金沙江西路1555弄388号5层521室
- 营业期限:2015-05-07至2045-05-06
- 所属地区:上海市
- 统一社会信用代码:91310000329555773R
- 核准日期:2024-09-30
- 曾用名:-
- 登记机关:上海市市场监督管理局
- 所属行业:-
- 经营范围:一般项目:以自有资金从事投资活动;投资管理;汽车零配件批发;汽车零配件零售;汽车销售;新能源汽车整车销售;货物进出口;技术进出口;集成电路芯片及产品制造;集成电路芯片设计及服务;集成电路芯片及产品销售;软件开发。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) 许可项目:危险化学品经营。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件为准)