正在招聘 “早教主班” 等职位
Zhonghai Jincheng International Kindergarten, Nanhai District, Foshan City, was founded in October 2016. This place is located on No. 1 Haiba East Road, Guicheng Street, Nanhai District, Foshan City. It is a high-standard, modern international kindergarten co-founded by Boxing Culture Communication Co., Ltd, in Nanhai, Foshan and Modernization Research Center of Sun yat-sen University. The area of the kindergarten covers 6,500 square meters. With its beautiful environment, it is spacious and bright. The facilities and equipment are advanced and complete. There are all kinds of functional rooms. The place adopts a fairy-tale-kingdom design. It is full of children-like, natural, artistic, and educational atmospheres. Our goal is to make children feel happy, whether it is learning or life in Zhonghai Jincheng International Kindergarten,,and become a smart person who can discover, appreciate, and create beautiful things.
- 企业名称:佛山市南海区桂城中海锦城幼儿园
- 法定代表人:赖锦文
- 成立时间:2016-11-01
- 企业类型:民办非企业单位
- 经营状态:正常
- 注册资本:105万元
- 注册地址:南海区桂城街道海八东路1号中海锦城国际花园幼儿园楼
- 营业期限:2016-11-01至2024-07-11
- 所属地区:广东省
- 统一社会信用代码:52440605MJL626561N
- 核准日期:
- 曾用名:佛山市南海区中海锦城国际花园幼儿园
- 登记机关:佛山市南海区民政局
- 所属行业:-
- 经营范围:3-6岁学龄前儿童教育。(法律法规规章明确规定需经有关部门批准方可开展的活动,须依法经过批准。)
上午07:30 - 下午05:30