- 香港
- 3-5年
- 博士
- 情感分析
- 知识图谱
- 语义理解
- 嵌入式开发
- 分布式训练
- 大数据处理工具(Spark/Hadoop/Hive)
- 大模型算法
- 强化学习
- 机器学习
- 发表算法相关优秀论文
- 算法工程化经验
- 参加算法相关竞赛/获奖
岗位职boss责: 1、负责指导本硕博学生的科研及论文发表(不代笔不代写纯指导); 2、科研指导包括:选题,创新方向选取,实验方案设计指导,模型优化等; 3、论文指导包括:选刊或选会,Paper写作体系, Paper润色,修改等; 4、最终产出:被服务kanzhun者在指导下完成相关研究并发表一定区位或类别的会议或期刊Paper; 5、线上授BOSS直聘课(常规一周一次,一次30-60分钟)。 岗位要求: 1、博士/博士在读:3年以上论文写作经验或高年级博士研究生或博士学位,博士在读期间或工作时研究方向为人工智能算法或人工智能算法应用研究; 2、拥有深厚的学术科研经验; 3、持有2篇及以上行BOSS直聘业顶会/顶刊论文,并担任顶会/顶刊审稿人; 4、研究方向:人文社科、理工科以及人工智能+特定学科(和AI有交叉)。 公司:上海沃尔得教育信息咨询有限公司 岗位:线上兼职论文辅导老师 薪资标直聘准:8-15K/项目以及20%奖金 诚聘各位优秀老师!
- 香港
- 3-5年
- 硕士
- 文本生成
- Python
- 大模型算法
- Agent
We will help provide Hk work visa, talent program, long-term option incentive and other corresponding benefits, welcome to join us location:HK &Shenzhen Job description 1. Responsible for the construction of NLP domain models, including domain pre-training, instruction fine-tuning, training and inference acceleration, model evaluation and other technologies; 2. Explore the application of large language model technology in Toutiao business scenarios to provide more intelligent model capabilities for Toutiao content creation, operation, interactive experience and other links; 3, optimize the existing online algorithms, including dialogue system, text generation, text classification, knowledge graph, search and answer and other directions of research and development, combined with actual business needs and data, to develop efficient and reliable NLP solutions; 4. Tracking and exploring cutting-edge technologies and applications of large language models. Job requirements 1, familiar with the theoretical basis of NLP field, master the statistical model, machine learning related principles, NLP practical experience, participated in related projects; 2. Familiar with the principles and training 直聘methods of industry-leading large language models (GPT series, LLaMA, ChatGLM, etc.); 3, large model tuning, familiar with large model distributed training and debug experience is preferred; 4, text generation, dialogue system experience is p直聘referred; 5. Academi直聘c achievementsboss published in NLP top conferences/journals are preferred.
- 算法应用
- 写作经验
- 博士研究
- 方案设计
- 研究方向
- 智能算法
- 信息咨询
- 实验方案设计
- 论文发表
- 人工智能算法
- 五险一金
- 年终奖
- 带薪年假
- 交通补助
- 节日福利
- 住房补贴
- 平台好