Founded in 2012, RICOMAGGIE is a professional integrated marketing design agency focusing on commercial space design, space identity design, visual design, and art installation creation. We have design capabilities across different media, and our service advantages include, but are not limited to, integrating resources, creating and executing. With plenty practical experience RICOMAGGIE is also a brand value creator carrying bright ideas, and we are committed to providing tailor-made spatial visual plan along with marketing solutions for brands.
2019年,我们成立了TANG FUN(糖趣文化发展有限公司),作为IP的孵化与运营基地,不仅能提供独家流量IP资源,还拥有高品质的原创IP系列。致力于融合创意、设计、科技、艺术、潮流,以IP赋能,为品牌提供颠覆性、专业化解决方案。2022年,是我们探索空间场景生命力与艺术张力的第十年,未来,我们坚信领先者必是创新者,胜利者必是坚持者。
In 2019, we established TANG FUN (Tangqu Culture Development Co., Ltd.) as an IP creation and operation base, where can not only provide exclusive popular IP resources but also has its own creative and high-quality IP series. Integrating creativity, design, technology, art and trends, we empowered brands by IP, providing professional solutions for brands. 2022, here comes our tenth anniversary of exploring vitality and artistic tension of interior space and scene. In the future, we firmly believe that the leader must be the innovator, and the winner must be the perseverance.