
100-499人 通信/网络设备 广东省


科尚通信是深圳市科尚通信有限公司旗下品牌。Company Profile As one of professional telecom manufacture and supplier, Shenzhen Vogtec Co., ltd. was founded in 1997, located in Shenzhen Economic Special Zone. At the beginning, as one of approved manufacture of China PTT. Vogue mainly supply corded and cordless phone to China Telecom. Since 1999, Vogue starts supply all products line all over the world. Besides approval from China Post and Telecom Ministry (former body of IT Ministry), Vogue passed the ISO9001:2000 certification in 2001, which improved the whole quality system and extremely supported the development. In 2002, ERP II system was introduced to the whole system. Now Vogue has established the whole corded and cordless facilities, coving tooling design, tooling process, plastic injection, silk-printing and spraying, bounding, inserting, assembling. Meanwhile, most necessary quality insurance equipments are taken well. The R&D ability is increasing faster and Vogue now are supply all kinds of corded phones, and CT0, CT1,CT1+ wireless phones all over the world. Recently Vogue also enters VoIP products, WLL products, Blue tooth and WIFI applications. The markets cover Western & Eastern Europe (including Australian, South Africa), Asia and Middle East, North and South America. In products development, Vogue takes care on patent copyright protection, most products are registered in target market. Just as per the words, we Create Wonderful Life”, the qualified products from Vogue not only supplying actual function usage, but also decorating the life. The word is carrying out in all process. Besides, Vogue also cares about all suppliers and distributors as partners, which leads every sides developing rapidly. www.vogtec.com



  • 法定代表人:刘永东
  • 注册资本:595.2381万人民币
  • 成立日期:2013-04-11
  • 经营状态:存续(在营、开业、在册)
  • 注册地址:深圳市南山区粤海街道麻岭社区科技中一路创益科技大厦B506
  • 统一社会信用代码:91440300067182523W
  • 经营范围:一般经营项目是:通讯产品、电子产品、数码产品、电脑周边设备的技术开发和销售;经营进出口业务;国内贸易。,许可经营项目是:通讯产品及电子产品的组装及生产。


深圳市 南山区 深圳康和盛大楼 5楼509-512








