
20-99人 进出口贸易 广东省


激扬光电是中山市激扬光电科技有限公司旗下品牌。Who we are?   Our story WENJIN technology Co. Ltd., started in 2003 as a trading company, engaged in motorcycle & electric motorcycle parts based in Tangxia Town of Dongguan, the famous manufacturing base in China.   In the year of 2008, we focused on sales of electric motorcycle parts, our philosophy is : honesty, passion, good quality, safety. Within a year, WENJI rapidly won the market trust and grew to be the biggest distributor of electric motorcycle parts in Guangdong province in 2009.   In 2011, Zhonshan Jiyang photoelectric technology Co. ltd., is founded, the factory is located in Xiaolan town, very near to Guzhen (the lighting capital in China), JIYANG is dedicated in development, designing & manufacturing motorcycle/electric motorcycle LED lamp & automotive LED lamps. With 8 years of background in motorcycle & electric motorcycle parts, JIYANG knows well what the customers’ need and know how to meet their need, JIYANG’s own experienced R&D team then developed a series of affordable but state-of-the-art LED motorcycle and automobile lamps which help us open the market quickly, every month we have new designed products were launched.   We established a long-term strategic cooperation relationship with the following famous motorcycle manufacturers: TAILG, AIMA, XDAO, OPAI, YADEA, WUYANG, HONGDU, SAIGE, SLANE, BODO, XBGT.   Nowadays, our market is covering every province of China and many markets abroad, we employed advanced production line and testing facilities to make sure every product reach our customers’ hand is in good quality and reliable. Every month around 1,200,000pcs of lamps are produced and to be send to every parts of the world.   Our ambition We started small, dream big, we made it, and now we still keep growing, we will never forget to thank our valued customers for your firmly support and trust, which make us decide to go forward to make the future roads much brighter in the world!



  • 法定代表人:李丽京
  • 注册资本:100万
  • 成立日期:2014-01-07
  • 经营状态:在营(开业)企业
  • 注册地址:中山市小榄镇小榄工业大道北58号四、五楼
  • 统一社会信用代码:914420000901835401
  • 经营范围:研发、生产、加工、销售:光电子器件、车辆专用照明器具;销售、生产;电动车配件、蓄电池;货物及技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动。)(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)










