萨克米是萨克米(上海)机械设备有限公司旗下品牌。SACMI – CORPORATE PROFILE 2019
萨克米 – 公司简介 2019
The SACMI Group is an international, world-leading supplier of advanced technology to the Ceramics, Plastics, Food&Beverage, Powder Metals, Packaging and Advanced Technologies sectors thanks to its focus on innovation, strong positioning on global markets and constant quest for high quality and excellent customer service.
The SACMI Group employs over 4,500 people and has 80 manufacturing and service companies located in 30 countries. In 2018 revenues from sales and services topped 1.4 billion euro. The SACMI brand and logo are recognised and registered in over 100 countries.
The parent company, SACMI Imola, is the technological and manufacturing heart of the Group. It has over 1,200 employees and is the strategic hub for all innovation and research into new products, production processes and services.
萨克米集团总部,萨克米伊莫拉(SACMI Imola)是技术和制造中心。拥有1,200多名员工,是技术创新、研发产品、优化生产工艺及服务的战略中心。
Continuous investment in Research&Development – over 220 million euro in the last 5 years alone – ensures SACMI is able to supply the market with state-of-the-art technology, working alongside customers to develop ever-more efficient, competitive and sustainable products and processes. Providing a valuable service to all Group businesses is the Imola-based Research Center, which employs nearly 300 engineers, technicians and researchers.