泰为 TeleNav是西安泰为软件有限公司旗下品牌。以下回答候选人常见问题:
1. 你们公司是不是外包公司?----不是。我们公司主要产品是车载导航,为全球车厂提供定制开发服务。
2. 为什么会有公司多个HR联系?----是。Boss直聘系统会按照职位匹配给我们推荐候选人,很多职位比较类似,所以可能存在多位HR联系您的情况。如果给您带来困扰,我们非常抱歉。
3. 经常出差或者派驻外地吗?----部分职位根据项目会有出差要求但频次不高(我们会在岗位要求中说明),除赴美出差外一般不会超过两周。
4. 人在外地可以面试吗?----技术岗位都需现场笔试,面试地点可就近选择西安,上海,首尔,圣克拉拉等各分公司所在进行。针对个别候选人可以先安排视频面试。具体HR跟候选人沟通确认。
5. 公司用人有什么偏好?----热爱技术,喜好钻研,友善合作的候选人是我们比较偏好的类型。
6. 需要英文流利,四六级证书吗?----我们期望寻找到英文流利的候选人,岗位不同对英文的要求会有差异,常见开发岗位要求能读写。证书在面试中不需要,面试官会考察英文听说,如果您讲不了或者觉得技术部分讲不清楚请直接告诉面试官,他们会使用中文。
Telenav Software is a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) owned by Telenav Inc.,a global-leading LBS products creator with headquarter located in Santa Clara, California USA.
Ever since establishment in August 2008, Our team works with leading automobile manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers to provide the technology, expertise, and award-winning navigation and location-based systems required to create flexible and integrated connected vehicle solutions.
The automotive industry is undergoing massive transformation – a digital transformation. Software, connectivity and cloud-connected services are redefining the driving experience. Here at Telenav, we’re proud and excited to be a part of this transformation. We started with in-car navigation and location-based services over a decade ago and are now enabling leading automotive companies like GM, Ford, Toyota and Mercedes redefine the overall connected car digital experiences.