
100-499人 原材料及加工/模具 广东省


福马是福马(中山)洁具产品有限公司旗下品牌。1957年,福马集团成立于美国加州,基于创始人阿道夫.舒普为生活提供好创意,为市场提供好产品而创建,主要生产水阀及其零配件,以其出众的工程技术、优质的产品以及最佳的售后服务在水箱配件制造业中处于世界领导地位。 福马水阀的广泛使用促使福马进一步扩展。为了发展亚太地区的市场,并为我们OEM合作伙伴提供更好的服务,经过前期的市场探索与准备,福马集团在中国广东中山南朗镇建立了辐射亚太地区市场的生产基地---福马(中国)。 福马(中国)从2005年成立至今, 为全球卫浴品牌提供先进的水阀配件和专业的解决方案以满足客户独特、广泛的需求,并已成为众多知名品牌陶瓷洁具厂家的重要OEM业务合作伙伴, 提供从工程、研发到质量保证和生产的丰富专业技术。我们的销售及服务网络覆盖国内及亚太地区的主要洁具生产城市, 并不断地吸引越来越多的深具潜力的客户。 我们的产品在全球市场取得非常成功的准入,目前已从全球15个地区获得准入的认证,同时我们将继续为OEM 客户完成所需文件和不断更新的批准,并与所有相关认证机构保持同步。 福马人一直本着“我们将在第一次、每一次都作正确的事”,不断地努力成为全球No.1卫浴配件及相关水暖产品供应商,并继续建设我们自豪的遗产,为人类带来更环保、更优质的产品而创造更美好的生活。 详见公司网址:www.fluidmaster.com 公司福利 工 时:办公室五天班、车间现场类六天班(周六按劳动法计算加班费); 假 期:为员工提供各类法定节假日和丰厚的带薪年假(5-20天),以及带薪病假、婚假、产假、哺乳假、陪产假等; 薪酬绩效:提供行业极具竞争性的薪酬待遇,根据公司业绩、工作表现每年提供一次调薪机会; 奖金奖励:公司设有服务奖;根据公司业绩,结合绩效考核发放年终奖; 劳动保障:为员工购买养老、医疗、失业、工伤、生育保险;签订劳动合同;提供工作服及必要的安全保护; 员工宿舍:每间宿舍均安装有空调、热水器、独立卫生间、阳台、衣柜等,公司每月给予水电费补助; 健康保障:每年安排员工身体健康检查(三甲医院); 文体活动:组织出外旅游、每年举办盛大的公司年会等活动; 培训学习:定期安排在职培训,给员工提供学习机会; 班车服务:为办公室员工提供上下班交通车,让上下班更为便利; 其他福利:有节日福利;根据岗位性质使员工享受有高温补贴、话费补贴等福利; 公司文化:兼容并蓄、开放、尊重,注重团队合作同时重视个人价值。


  • 830 / 831 SERIES Fluidmaster’s Dual Flush Series is a high-performance line of compact dual fl ush valves engineered to deliver precise and powerful fl ushing action. The 3" dual fl ush is ideal for high performance, low consumption and HET toilet applications. Fluidmaster’s Dual Flush Series— A global, high-performance solution that accommodates a wide variety of toilets and consumption targets with a high degree of adjustability, consistency and fl ushing power.

  • 747 SERIES The whisper quiet Fluidmaster 747 Series Fill Valve boasts a compact and modern design with a high critical level. The optional riser tube enables for a custom installation either by side mount or bottom mount at varying heights. The 747 works effi ciently with high or low water pressure. The high level of accuracy provided by the valve makes for an ideal fl ush volume in any toilet. The durable parts stand up to years of fl ushes, while the narrow profi le allows a proper fi t in slim-line WC cisterns with no adjustment needed. Quality is assured by factory testing of every valve, living up to the highest Fluidmaster quality standards. FEATURES Whisper quiet operation Compact size fi ts a wide range of applications including small in-wall tanks Unique self-cleaning valve mechanism operates from very low to high pressures Meets requirements of major codes around the world 3 Refi ll port locations Hand wash option available

  • 540 SERIES The 540 Series 3-inch fl ush valves provide greater than double the fl ow area compared to the conventional 2-inch fl ush valves, resulting in a powerful fl ushing action for high performance, low consumption and high-effi ciency toilets (HET). The 540 Series includes multiple seat heights to support OEM toilet compliance with EPA WaterSense® and related code regulations. FEATURES 3-Inch fl ush performance for a wide range of toilets (including HET) Patented adjustable fl oat provides linear volume change for accurate consumption High overfl ow capacity provides increased safety factor Rigid frame fl apper provides precise alignment and consistency of seal 3-Chain attachment points offer selection options for optimized fl ush volume and stroke fl exibility Removable fl apper seal for easy replacement Kick-free stainless steel chain WaterSense® and ASME A112.19.2 compliant design High fl ow rate option available (540AH) Top mount option available (540TM)

  • 400 SERIES #1 Best selling fi ll valve in the world, engineered to last and built with revolutionary, pilot fi ll valve technology that works with water pressure rather than against it. This bottom mount valve is highly confi gurable to adapt to many applications. FEATURES Adjustable height, bottom mount valve Proprietary pilot technology provides consistent water level at various pressures Wide range of adjustability and valve options for most applications Unique self-cleaning valve mechanism operates from VERY LOW to HIGH pressures Easy to install Proven and reliable quality Meets requirements of major codes around the world Standard model signals tank leaks by turning on and off automatically Leak Sentry® option prevents automatic refi ll of a leaky tank WaterSense® compliant



  • 注册资本:58.3万美元
  • 成立日期:2005-01-18
  • 经营状态:存续
  • 注册地址:广东省中山市南朗镇东方工业园第7-8幢
  • 统一社会信用代码:91442000770958266H
  • 经营范围:生产经营卫浴洁具产品及其零部件,并提供产品售后技术咨询服务。卫浴洁具产品及其零部件的进出口、批发业务及配套相关服务(涉及配额许可证管理、专项规定管理的商品按国家有关规定办理)。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)












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