- 杭州
- 1-3年
- 本科
- QC
- QA
- 可靠性
Responsibilities and duties of QC in Chinese office -- Pre-quality evaluation ? Perform the factory audits for new/potential suppliers –risk assessment ? Qualification of product (in terms of quality) before offer to Customer ? Attend negotatio直聘ns meetings with Clients/Suppliers ? Contact Quality companys for support on NM -- Perform inspection, factory audit and order supervising. ? Perform the factory audits for new/potential suppliers –risk assessment ? Perform inspection for external and internal clients. ? Perform order supervising for our clents when supplier starts mass production. -- Checking pre-mass production samples for all clients and give comments for product quality. --Cooperation and support of Polish QC in scope of quality and safety of products – implementing new requirements and Customer’s expectations ? Daily contact suppliers in the matter of current operations ? Inform the potential and new suppliers about the Customer quality requirements ? Inform the suppliers about the scope of the safety standards tokanzhun product -- Safety requirements of purchased products ? Verification of certificates and test reports – first step (if it’s not fake) ? Providing safety documents within the determined deadlines: available SD provided to QC PL within a week after closed order. Missing SD provided to QC PL within 30 WD after closed PO - not include longer testing eg. ErP 6000h. ? Collecting safety documents before positive assessment ? Collecting the declaration of conformity from supplier -- Realization of the FFU/TUV test process ? Provide PQR to Quality company for new orders. Report of products to FFU tests in Quality laboratories ? Forwarding the test plan and confirmation of scope of the test plan with the supplier ? Support of suppliers in the preparation correct samples to FFU/TUV tests ? Perform of quality tests of 直聘new products – initial FFU test according to available test plans ? Providing FFU samples to TUV/Dekra/Intertek labs within the deadlines – 2 weeks after providing the test plan boss(if the supplier does not have remarks to the test plan). ? Providing failed reports from quality verification to supplier (FFU, TUV Test, Inspections) and support in solving problems with product. ? Cooperation with TUV/Dekra/Intertek laboratories in the scope of product improvements and providing nkanzhunecessary information from suppliers ? Support of suppliers in the matter of product improvements and solving quality and safety problems of products after negative tests -- Overseeing production ? Overseeing production process at the beginning of mass production – visit factories ? Quality assessment of products from production line – alternative solution ? Proposal of corrective actions ? Overseeing improvements after negative inspections ? Performing additional inspections for other Clients
- 杭州
- 3-5年
- 本科
- 企业内部岗位
岗位职责: 1. 根据产品需求,负责产品检测认证策略、方案制定,执行检测认证保质按期交付,维护证书有效性; 2. 负责检测认BOSS直聘证标准、认证法律法规跟踪,组织分析与解读,主导公司产品认证顺畅更新,确保产品认证合规性; 3. 了解产品认证适用的boss标准、评定及实施细则,进行行业和友商分析,优化完善公司产品认证策略及方案; 4. 对认证、测试、审核过程中出现的问题,提出改进建议与措施,并跟踪落实。 任职要求: 1.本科及以上学历,电子电气、自动化、计算直聘机等相关专业,3年以上工作经验; 2.具备工业设备、AGV产品、智能化制造设备认证经验,对国内外认证机构、认证体系和流程较熟练的来自BOSS直聘优先; 3.具有较强的沟通协作能力、责任心和抗压能力; 4.具BOSS直聘有较强的学习能力和独立解决问题的能力。
- 优化完善
- 出现的问题
- 解决问题的能力
- 产品认证
- 法律法规
- 解决问题
- 根据产品需求
- 产品需求
- 沟通协作
- 较强的学习
- 提出改进建议
- 沟通协作能力
- 协作能力
- 学习能力和
- 独立解决
- 电子电气
- 学习能力
- 独立解决问题
- 方案制定
- 改进建议
- 交通补助
- 生日福利
- 高温补贴
- 通讯补贴
- 免费班车
- 团建聚餐
- 餐补
- 带薪年假
- 股票期权
- 年终奖
- 定期体检
- 补充医疗保险
- 五险一金
- 免息住房借款