- 杭州
- 1-3年
- 本科
- 日结
- 商户合作
- 进出口贸易
- 网络
- 行业会议会展
- 商务谈判能力
- 快速响应能力
- 外国留学生优先
Job Description: 1. Responsible for developing overseas chemical market, developing new customers, and completing sales tasks according to the kanzhuncompany's goals; 2. Responsible for collecting and analyzing chemical industry information, such as the information of target customers and competitive customers; 3. Responsible for sales risk control, business negotiation and contract signing; 4. Organize and participate in various exhibitions, develop customers, use business platforms, and regularly release product information; 5. Make plans and implement them accordBOSS直聘ing to the company's sales targets; 6. Master international trade business knowledge, familiar with the company's products, to provide customers with pre-sales and after-sales servic直聘es. Requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, Chemistry, pharmacy and international trade related majors are preferred,foreign trade sales experience is preferred; 2. Fluent in English/French/Italian/Spanibosssh/Russian/Japanese/Korean, 直聘etc, good oral and written communication skills; 3. Have market awareness, customer communication skills, negotiation skills and self-drive. What will you get : 1)You do not need to find customers,always customers find us;we have enough customers to contact and develop easier; 2)The Largest income part will come from Commission;it can grow and differ greatly per year.Our business is B to B and it is stable; 3)We go abroad for business trip :Eurpoe ,USA ,Korea Japan,India and so on every year to vist our customers; 4)Our industry is technology-intensive and will be Stable+Sustainable in very long term; 5)We have many foreigners from different countries and have rich experinece in applying job visa for foreigners; 6) Multicultural work environment friendly to foreigners.
- 杭州
- 1-3年
- 本科
- 日结
- 销售经验
- 地推
- 电话
- 商户合作
- 个人客户开发(销售方向)
- 拜访
1、负责上城、西湖、富阳等区域的所有类目,包含酒旅、餐饮、综合等行业,整合所负责城市与公司资源,推动整体营销解决方案输出; 2、根据业务规划,开展商圈调研,识别高价值、高意向度的客户并制定拜BOSS直聘访销售策略; BOSS直聘3、定期拜boss访BOSS直聘客户,建立并维护良好客情关系,帮助团队达成头部户活跃度及业绩目标; 4、通过日报来自BOSS直聘等方式定期复盘工作结果,总结案例及方法,形成经验沉淀。
- 解决方案
- 维护良好
- 销售策略
- 生日福利
- 节日福利
- 高温补贴
- 团建聚餐
- 零食下午茶
- 员工旅游
- 带薪年假
- 加班补助
- 底薪加提成
- 保底工资
- 绩效奖金
- 年终奖
- 五险一金
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 意外险
- 定期体检
- 年终奖
- 绩效奖金
- 股票期权
- 夜班补助
- 带薪年假
- 餐补
- 零食下午茶
- 团建聚餐
- 住房补贴
- 家属自选保险
- 家庭关爱假
- 免费健身设施
- 年度体检
- 节日礼品
- 就近租房补贴
- 餐饮及下午茶