- 上海
- 5-10年
- 本科
- 每周双休
- 计算机硬件
- 英语可用于工作
We are currently seeking a highly skilled and experienced professional with expertise in GPU/CPU or other key commodity, specifically with a background in the electronics components manufacturing industry. The ideal candidate will have previous working experience at reputable manufacturers such as Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Samsung, Hynix, Micron, or other key commodity kanzhunmanufacturers. If you have a passion for cutting-edge technology and a proven track record in sales management, this is an excellent opportunity for you to join our dynamic team. 我们正在寻找经验丰富、技术娴熟的专业人士,专攻GPU/CPU或其他关键领域,尤其在电子元器件制造行业具有丰富背景的专业人员。我们期待候选人具有在英特尔、AMD、英伟达、三星、海力士、美光等知名制造商工作的经验。如果您对半导体技术充满热情,并在销售管理方面拥有出色的业绩记录,那么这将是您加入我们这个充满活力的团队的难得机会! Responsibilities 岗位职责 1. Develop and implement strategic sales plans to achieve company targets and objectives in the GPU/CPU or other key commodity markets. 制定并实施战略销售计划,实现公司在GPU/CPU或其他关键元件市场的目标。 2. Identify and engage with potential clients who require GPU or other key commodity solutions in China and other Southeast Asian regions. 在中国和其他地区寻找并与需要GPU或其他关键元件解决方案的潜在客户建立联系。 3. Build and maintain strong relationships with key clients to foster long-term partnerships and repeat business. 建立并维护与关键客户的牢固关系,促进长期合作伙伴关系和业务的持续发展。 4. Stay up to date with the latest advancements in GPU/CPU technology, NVIDIA, AMD, Intel server processors and server modules to effectively communicate product features and benefits to clients. 及时了解GPU/CPU技术、英伟达、AMD、英特尔服务器处理器和服务器模块的最新进展,以便有效地向客户传达产品特点和优势。 5. Collaborate with cross-functional teams and offices. 与不同职能团队及各个办事处协作。 6. Analyze market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback to identify new business opportunities and develop strategies to stay ahead in the market. 分析市场趋势、竞争对手活动和客户反馈,发现新的商机,并制定策略保持市场地位。 7. Participate and assist in ad hoc projects. 积极参与并协助各类临时项目的推进。 Requirements 岗位要求 1. Bachelor's degree or above in any discipline. 本科或以上学历,专业不限。 2. 7+ years of electronics sales experience in franchise, distribution, or manufacturing— has working experience in Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, Samsung, Hynix, Micron is preferred. 拥有7年以上特许经营、分销或制造领域的电子产品销售经验,有在英特尔、AMD、英伟达、三星、海力士、美光等公司工作经验者优先考虑。 3. Extensive knowledge of GPU/CPUkanzhun technology, particularly NVIDIA and AMD products, as well as Intel server processors and server modules. 精通GPU/CPU技术,尤其是英伟达和AMD产品,以及英特尔服务器处理器和服务器模块。 4. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to understand customer requirements and propose suitable solutions. 具备强大的分析和解决问题的能力,能够理解客户需求并提出合适的解决方案。 5. Excellent communication and negotiation skills to effectively engage with clients and close deals. 具备出色的沟通和谈判技巧,能够有效地与客户进行互动并促成交易。 6. Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a team-oriented environment. 具备在团队合作环境中独立工作的能力。 7. Results-driven mindset with the ability to meet and exceed sales targets. 以结果为导向的思维方式,能够实现并超越销售目标。 8. Proficiency in English and Chinese. 精通中文和英文。 9. Ability to travel to countries across Asia. 能够出差至亚洲各国。 What we will offer 我们将提供 1. Rewarding来自BOSS直聘 careers 具有发展前景的职业机会 2. Uncapped monthly commission 每月不设上限的激励 3. Collaborative and dynamic culture 开放合作、充满活力的企业文化 4. Comprehensive learning and development 全面的学习和发展机会 5. Gym and wellness sponsorships 健身和健康保障福利 kanzhun 6. Modern, streamlined office design 现代化、简约的办公环境 7. Year-round company activities and outings 丰富多彩的公司活动 8. Opportunities to give back to our community 参与回馈社区的机会 About Us 关于我们 Founded in 1984, Smith is celebrating 40 years of Intelligent Distribution. As an independent distributor of electronic components, we source, manage, test, and ship billions of components to partners worldwide in every industry and vertical. Offering a comprehensive suite of flexible and scalable supply chain solutions, Smith identi来自BOSS直聘fies and delivers customized service programs to support our customers’ success. Our expertise is backed by decades of market data, cutting-edge technology, and a systems-based approach to quality excellence. Smith has generated more than USD $12.9 billion in global revenue since 2019 and ranks eleventh among all global distributors. We are always looking for talented individuals to join our dynamic, friendly, and professional team environment. Located in more than 20 offices around the world, you’ll find a home here as part of the Smith family. Smith成立于1984年,今年适逢其智能分销模型40周年。作为优秀的电子元件独立分销商,Smith为全球各行业及领域的合作伙伴提供数十亿件电子元件的采购、管理、测试和运输等服务。凭借全面、灵活变通的供应链解决方案,Smith为客户提供定制化的服务项目,以助力客户取得更大的成就。多年的市场数据、先进的技术和系统化的品质检验为Smith的专业服务奠定了坚实的基础。自 2019 年以来,Smith的全球总营收超过 129 亿美元,在全球同行业中位列第十一。 我们的办事处遍布全球20多个城市,热切期待着优秀人才加入我们这个专业、友好、充满活力的Smith大家庭。
- 上海
- 1-3年
- 本科
- 年终奖
- 每周双休
1、开展公司矿贸品种(铅锌矿、锡矿、锂矿等有色矿)贸易采购及销售业务,扩大市场份额,建立良好的销售和信息渠道; 2、开发并维护国内外矿端供应kanzhun商和冶炼端客户资源,促成合作完成公司制定的业务目标; 3、负责矿物进口接货、验货、交付等全业务流程的跟踪和管理工作; 4、严格按照公司外贸业务的操作流程和管理制度执行和跟踪业务boss的开展。 任职要求: 1.全日制本科及以上学历,国际贸易、工BOSS直聘商管理、市场营销等相关专业优先,优秀者可放低相关要求; 2.1年以上铅锌矿/锡矿/锂矿至少一个品种国内外贸易采购和销售经验,有丰富的上下游资源; 3.良好的市场开拓能力,较强boss的客户服务意识; 4.极强的沟通能力和抗压能力,工作踏实认真,吃苦耐劳; 5.接受国际出差和高频次出差。
- 分析和解决问题的能力
- 解决问题的能力
- 开放合作
- 合作伙伴
- 解决问题
- 谈判技巧
- 团队合作
- 出色的沟通
- 电子元器件
- 竞争对手
- 解决方案
- 客户反馈
- 长期合作
- 理解客户需求
- 沟通和谈判
- 销售管理
- 产品销售
- 强大的分析
- 市场数据
- 分析市场
- 分析和解决问题
- 客户需求
- 销售经验
- 销售业务
- 强的沟通能力
- 极强的沟通
- 沟通能力
- 管理制度
- 工商管理
- 沟通能力和
- 制度执行
- 市场开拓能力
- 客户服务
- 管理工作
- 销售经验
- 零食下午茶
- 员工旅游
- 带薪年假
- 年终奖
- 五险一金
- 健身运动补贴
- 生日福利
- 节日福利
- 通讯补贴
- 包住
- 团建聚餐
- 餐补
- 带薪年假
- 年终奖
- 定期体检
- 五险一金