- 北京
- 不限
- 本科
- 软件测试
- 功能测试
- 移动端测试
- web端测试
- 黑盒测试
1、计算机相关专业或其他理工科专业23年毕业的大三、研二学生; 2、对软件测试boss工作有一定的了解,参加过软直聘件测试系统培训者优先; 3、对软件开发有一定的了解,有一定.NetBOSS直聘开发基础者优先 4、对SQLServer数据库有一定的了解,熟悉SQL语言; 5、具有较强的沟通理解能力和协调能力,对工作积极主动、认真负责; 6、热爱技术,兴趣广泛,思维活跃,热爱生活; 注:此实习岗位非临时或短期性质,需保证6个月kanzhun以上的全职实习;我们对此岗位实习生进行长期培养,表现出色者毕业后将正式录用。
- 北京
- 3-5年
- 本科
- 计算机相关专业
- 测试工作经验
- 软件开发经验
NVIDIA Networking team is looking for an outstanding candidate to solve SW verification challenges. The candidate will take care of world-class technologies in the areas of High Speed Communication, virtualization, security for the most advanced markets and customers. The products support Ethernet and InfiniBand protocols, delivering a broad range of advanced networking, storage, and security services for the cloud, complex compute and AI workloads. What you’ll be doing: - Developing and automating variety of tests to verify correct functionality of SW products. - Deep diving into the features, taking responsibility from testplans phase to final implementation and full automation. - Drive design verificationboss flows and methodologies improvements. - Partner with Engineering, Architecture and Marketing to coordinate the release of the products来自BOSS直聘 and ensure release will meet the schedule and with high quality. - Work with planning and tracking systems to manage the release progress and build release indicators. BOSS直聘What we need to see: - Proven software engineering background and understanding of standard methodologies in software development. You should have a deep understanding of computer networking and modern Linux based operating systems. - 3+ years of overall experience. - Great interpersonal skills. - Agility with multi-tasking abilities. - Working in an independent and organized way. - Determination and seek for success. - Excellent problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. - Ability to self-manage, lead technically and communicate effectively. kanzhun - Phenomenal presentation skills and eloquent English. Public speaking required. Ways to stand out from the crowd: - Deep technical knowhow and familiarity with Networking. - Linux OS Advance technologies knowledge. - Experience with large HW+SW systems. - Knowledge of GIT, Python, Bash.
- 沟通理解
- 思维活跃
- 测试工作
- 熟悉SQL
- SQL语言
- 理解能力
- 沟通理解能力
- 和协调能力
- 软件测试工作
- 协调能力
- 软件开发
- 交通补助
- 生日福利
- 节日福利
- 团建聚餐
- 餐补
- 员工旅游
- 带薪年假
- 绩效奖金
- 年终奖
- 定期体检
- 意外险
- 补充医疗保险
- 五险一金
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 股票期权
- 带薪年假
- 餐补
- 交通补助
- 节日福利
- 零食下午茶
- 英语培训
- 继续教育项目
- Gear商店
- 陪产假