- 深圳
- 5-10年
- 本科
- 后端工程师
- Java
- Spring
- Redis
- 计算机/软件工程相关经验
- Java开发经验
- 分布式系统开发经验
1、熟悉电商广告投放CID系统; 2直聘、Java基础扎实,了解JVM原理,有多线程高并发处理经验; 3、熟悉主流开源框架的原理和使用,如springboot,springcloud,redis,消直聘息中间件等; 4、熟练使用设计模式,有较强的抽象化思维能力; 5、熟悉tcp/http通信原理,有较强的故障排查和优化能力; 6、熟悉相关安全领域加密算法以及相关原理; 7、熟悉分布式、高可用系统的设计和优化经验; 8、具备产品意识,良好学习、沟通能力及团队协作精神,对工作积极严谨,勇于承担压力; 9boss、3年以上PHP实际项目开来自BOSS直聘发经验,具备良好的代码编程习惯,有主导或者负责过中大型项目优先。
- 深圳
- 5-10年
- 本科
- Java
- 分布式经验
- 微服务经验
- SpringCloud
- MyBatis
- Redis
- MongoDB
- Spring
我们提供: 学习氛围:和全球优秀工程师一起工作的机会,基于亚马逊云平台(AWS)的超大型互联网应用开发经验的积累。 扁平化管理风格:人际关系非常简单,你可以叫上司英文名而不需要叫老板。 健全的人才培养机制:支持个人的职业发展,提供基于兴趣调岗的机会。 工程师文化:上下班弹性制度,不打卡。 全球视野:全球化的团队合作。 福利关怀:带薪年假,定直聘期下午茶… What you’ll do: Develop, debug, and modify components of software applications and tools Participate in code reviews to assess overall code quality Define, develop and maintain artifacts like technical design documentation Participate in user story creation in collaboration with the team Write automated unit, integration and acceptance tests as appropriate to support our continuous integration pipelines Support and troubleshoot data and/or system issues as needed Resolve problems and roadblocks as they occur with help from peers or managers. Follow through on details and drive issues to closure Communicate and work effectively with global technology teams Who you are: 1-5Y+ years of experience in Software Engineering. Extensive knowledge in backend development and system integration with proficiency in SpringBoot, Restful, GraphQL, etc. Proficient in programming languages like Java, JavaScript, obossr Python. Solid working knowledge of object-oriented design and development skills Experience in UI web development with proficiency in NodeJS and ReactJS. Familiar with databases like MySQL, Elasticsearch, Redis, etc. Familiar with Cloud technologies. AWS preferred. Solid understanding of BOSS直聘the software development life cycle, architecture and design pattern The ability to provide deep technical guidance based on strong technical acumen in a variety of technologies Experience in Agile/Scrum software development practices Effective English verbal and written communication skills with the ability to present complex technical information clearly and concisely. Open minded and having strong sense of ownership kanzhunand responsibility. A team player who proactively collaborates with team members to co-develop and share solutions. Bachelor’s degree or above in cbossomputer science or a related major and/or equivalent work experience.
- 故障排查
- 优化能力
- 团队协作精
- 项目开发经验
- 广告投放
- 熟悉分布式
- JVM原理
- 系统的设计
- 设计模式
- 加密算法
- 沟通能力
- 团队协作精神
- 协作精神
- 团队协作
- 通信原理
- 基础扎实
- 开源框架
- 编程习惯
- 开发经验
- 应用开发经验
- 应用开发
- 团队合作
- 开发经验
- 五险一金
- 定期体检
- 带薪年假
- 节日福利
- 交通补助
- 生日福利
- 通讯补贴
- 免费班车
- 有无线网
- 宿舍有空调
- 团建聚餐
- 员工旅游
- 工龄奖
- 节假日加班费
- 夜班补助
- 绩效奖金
- 定期体检
- 补充医疗保险
- 五险一金
- 优惠券