- 香港
- 3-5年
- 本科
- 文书起草
- 日常行程安排
- 差旅/公务活动安排
- 熟悉商务礼仪
- 文字功底扎实
- 3年以上秘书/助理经验
岗位直聘职责: 1、负责香港公司办公区域的办公设施的检查等工作; 2、负责办公用品的采买、报销,保障部门的办公所需; 3、负责总经理办公室的办公设备、办公用品及固定资产的管理及维护工作; 4、协助总经理参与的会议的日程、发言稿件的传递、会议链接测试等的工作; 5、负责香港公司的日常客户接待工作; 6、香港公司文件的呈报,以及重要文件的保kanzhun存存档工作; 7、接听总经理的办公电话、妥当应答,并做好电话记录; 8、领导安排的其他工作等。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,工商管理、行政管理、新闻、法律、人力资源、企业管理文秘等相关专业。 2、2年及以上人力、行政、法务等助理相关工作经历。 3、良好的组织、沟通、协调能力及社交公关能力; 4、较高的观察力,责任心和独立开展工作的能力及良好的处理应急事务boss的能力; 5、具有较强的奉献、服务意识,大局观念来自BOSS直聘强,能够接受加班和压力。
- 香港
- 3-5年
- 本科
- 商务谈判
- 接待/外联
- 活动/会议组织
- 英语可作为工作语言
- 3年以上秘书/助理经验
- 适应出差
- 有环保相关学历者优先
Our client is a leading green technology startup in HK, transforming how the world approaches electricity-free cooling technology. The company was founded by experts from the School of Energy and Environment at top universities in Hong Kong. The team has taken groundBOSS直聘breaking research, published in prestigious journals like Science, and turned it into commercial applications that revolutionize energy efficiency. They're currently expanding their business and looking for a Executive Assistant (执行助理) to join them for the commitment of a greener future. 工作地点主要可选在 深圳或香港 月薪资:20k-30k hkd 需要注意: 1. 可以接受出差(全球); 2. 会需要频繁往返深港; 3. 英语、粤语、普通话都需要有商务级别 Job Responsibilities: - Help drive innovative forms of collaboration and strategic partnerships; - Coordinate meetings and facilitate communication with internal and external stakeholders; - Prepare and distribute presentation materials, agenbossdas, minutes and reports; - Sit in meeting and proactively follow up action items; - Manage databases, daily workflows and business correspondence independently; - Handle ad-hoc BOSS直聘projects and a直聘ssignments independently and professionally. Job Requirements: - Degree in Business Management or other related disciplines from a top University; - IANG visa holder are welcome; - Self-motivated and detail-oriented; - Minimum 3 years' experience in an Executive Assistant role in a sizable organization; - Motivated, proactive and autonomous with the flexibility to adapt to ever changing priorities and responsibilities; - Exceptional interpersonal skills; ability to work with diverse range of people; - Native level English and fluent in Mandarin / Cantonese; - Strong problem-solving skills and being able to work independently under pressure. For any interested party you can share your CV to us here, or email to hr@alphaslabint.com
- 企业管理
- 公关能力
- 社交公关
- 办公设备
- 电话记录
- 协调能力
- 固定资产
- 维护工作
- 工商管理
- 行政管理
- 管理及维护
- 大局观念
- 良好的组织
- 五险一金
- 定期体检
- 加班补助
- 年终奖
- 带薪年假
- 员工旅游
- 餐补
- 节日福利