- 重庆
- 3-5年
- 不限
- 报关对接
- 货物出运
任职要求:熟悉外贸单证流程和出运流程! 岗kanzhun位经验:3来自BOSS直聘年以上
- 重庆
- 不限
- 本科
- 日结
- 单据制作/审查
岗位职责: 1)Take full responsibility of documentation representative on documentation functions (process auto-freighting, freight Audit &QA, prepare freight invoice, vessel clean up , follow up the freight report and handle freight disputes) with timely and accurate manner. 2)Comply with standard function process to complete functional tasks. kanzhunKeep abreast of changes on customer requirements and country rules & regulations. 3)Proactively communicate with concern parties (Agency CUS, Sales, Customer, Finance etc.) via emails or calls for clarification if any rate/Invoice dispute来自BOSS直聘s/discrepancy. 4)Fluent in both written and spoken Japanese or Korean, with the ability to communicate effectively and professionally with customers or agencies. 5)Share cases or errors occurred during function implementation process in a transparent and timely mannkanzhuner to guarantee smooth information flow; 6)Participate in process continuous improvement activities and projects; proactively raise process/system improvement proposals to supervisors or managerBOSS直聘s. 7)Adhere to arrangement on functions, shifts, holiday roster, including overtime when necessary to meet business needs and workload balance. 任职要求: 1)Good English equivalent to 来自BOSS直聘CET-4 or able to pass written test, CET-6 is a plus. 2)Good Japanese equivalent to N3 or above. 3)Interpersonal and communication skills. 4)Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. 5)Good command of computer skills. 6)Sense of customer service.
- CET-4
- CET-6
- 生日福利
- 节日福利
- 免费工装
- 住房补贴
- 宿舍有空调
- 餐补
- 全勤奖
- 加班补助
- 底薪加提成
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 加班补助
- 年终奖
- 带薪年假
- 员工旅游