- 北京
- 不限
- 硕士
- Python
- C/C++
- 图像识别经验
- 图像质量
- x射线
Job Description Summary The Image Quality Engineer will work as feature owner to cooperate w来自BOSS直聘ith cross-functional team to deliver mobile C-arm X-ray products for the global market. This role will be responsible for Image chain hardware and image processing algorithm design. Roles & Responsibilities : The Image Quality Engineer will work as feature owner to cooperate with cross-functional team to deliver mobile C-arm X-ray products for the global market, this role will be responsible for Image chain hardware and image processing algorithm design. Primary Responsibilities: • Design image processing algorithm, adjust and optimize the parameters to meet clinical requirement. • Design X-ray exposure management to get bossthe balance of dose and image quality, work with generator design owner to implement the design. • Working with customers, marketing and field personnel to design and refine IQ related new features, and describing those features with technical requirement specification which can be follow by the design team. • Test and evaluate imaging components/systems (detectors/grid…), analyze test data to provide professional evaluation report. • Support Manufactory, IB and service team to resolve IQ related complaints and improve customer satisfaction. • Track and study latest technology in X-ray imaging and processing, involve in ATP(Advanced Technology Project) to introduce new algorithm and component into C-arm system, help to build technology advantage in surgery business. Qualifications / Requirements : • Master degree in Image Processing, Biomedical Engineering, X-Ray Imaging, or closely related discipline. • Good experience and design skill in image processing, signal processing, mathematical modeling. • Self-starter, passion for learning, ability to develop timely and effective solutions for challenging design problems • Desired Characteristics • Master MATLABBOSS直聘/C/C++ for algorithm implementation and simulation. • Excellent teamwork, coordination and communication skilbossls • Effective oral and written English communication skills
- 北京
- 5-10年
- 本科
- 深度学习
- 目标检测
- Python
1.负责计算机视觉算法和深度学习算法的前沿技术的研BOSS直聘究工作; 2.近期BOSS直聘负责小概BOSS直聘率异常事件、复杂场景小目标检测、分布外检测等前沿技术研究。
- C/C++
- 视觉算法
- 研究工作
- 计算机视觉
- 计算机视觉算法
- 深度学习
- 学习算法
- 技术研究
- 深度学习算法
- 前沿技术研究
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 年终奖
- 带薪年假
- 免费班车
- 节日福利
- 五险一金
- 全勤奖
- 年终奖
- 股票期权
- 带薪年假
- 餐补
- 通讯补贴
- 交通补助
- 节日福利