- 北京
- 5-10年
- 硕士
- 搜索算法
1、参与搜索的算法改进工作:用最BOSS直聘先进的NLP、CV、CTR预估等技术不断提高搜索结果的精度,持续提升用户的搜索体验 ; 2、可能的方向包括: 1)匹配技术(文本匹配和多模匹配):匹配技术是搜索引擎的直聘核心。你将有机会应用最前沿的NLP和CV技术为每一个query匹配最相关的视频,持续提升搜索的相关性 ; 2)点击率预估:解决搜索中的推荐问题,让搜索在“相关”的基础上增加个性化的能力,更懂用户 ; 3)视频理解:综合运用nlp、cv、图神经网络等技术,从视频本身以及社交网络的角度进行视频理解,提高搜索结果的权威性、可信度和有用性 ; 4)新产品形态和技术:探索智能封BOSS直聘面、视频摘要、视频精准问答等高效便捷的交互技术。 5)服务搜索:提高搜索在餐饮、酒旅、休闲娱乐等生活服务领域的搜索体验。 职位要求 1、出色的分析问题、解决问题能力; 2、出色的机器学习和深度学习基础能力,在NLP、CV、CTR预估、图神经网络等方BOSS直聘面有一定的应用经验; 3、强悍的代码能力、数据结构和基础算法功底; 4、熟悉Linux开发环境,熟练使用C++和BOSS直聘Python语言; 5、有搜索算法经验者加分。
- 北京
- 10年以上
- 本科
- Java
- Python
- 计算机相关专业
- 搜索/信息检索算法经验
As a Search Ranking Engineer working on Search Quality and Personalization, you have the opportunity to work with world-class Software Engineers and Data Scientists who have worked for Google, Amazon, Pinterest, etc. You will define and solve hard problems to improve search quality, company-wide personalization experience and help us understand customer’s intention better. We aim at providing customers with a friction-less shopping experience and help customers find useful products that best meet their needs. Your professional skills and experience would help us achieve the goal. Location: Beijing Job Responsibilities: 1. Find headroom for improvement in search stack as well as company-wide personalization experience outside of search (e.g. recommendation, ads, etc), to improve search retrieval and ranking quality, to improve user conversion rate, with query debugging, machine learning, NLP and deep learning techniques. 2. Design and deliver end-to-end product/solutions to help customers find useful products that best meet their needs faster and easier. 3. Design and build customer understanding signals that capture customer’s behavior patterns and shopping preferences, that can be shared across multiple product areas to help improve the customer experience at Coupang. 4. Design, debug and iterate on the experiment plans to improve the performance of the product/solution. 5. Develop and build knowledge database to support search quality improvement 直聘 Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related majors 2. 6+ years of solid work with machine learning, data structures, fundamental algorithms and system design boss3. At least 2 years hands-on experience with Information Retrieval/Search/Recommendation Systems Preferred: 1. Experience on deep learning/NLP 2. Strong understanding of e-commerce and search/recommendation systems. 3. Ability to identify headroom and opportunities in the system, analyze, simplify and solve problems 4. Passion of defining and deve来自BOSS直聘loping a revolutionary search engine 5. Self-motivated, with good commun直聘ication skills and team play 6. Master’s or PhD degree in Computer Science or related kanzhunEngineering majors Your personal information will be collected and managed by Coupang as stated in the Application Privacy Notice located below. https://privacy.coupang.com/en/land/jobs/
- 深度学习
- 解决问题
- 神经网络
- 数据结构
- 熟练使用C
- 改进工作
- 代码能力
- 分析问题
- 机器学习
- 基础算法
- 搜索引擎
- 开发环境
- 解决问题能力
- 就近租房补贴
- 餐饮及下午茶
- 年度体检
- 节日礼品
- 家庭关爱假
- 弹性工作制
- 交通补助
- 节日福利
- 住房补贴
- 团建聚餐
- 零食下午茶
- 餐补
- 带薪年假
- 加班补助
- 绩效奖金
- 年终奖
- 定期体检
- 意外险
- 补充医疗保险
- 五险一金
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 加班补助
- 年终奖
- 股票期权
- 带薪年假
- 员工旅游
- 餐补
- 节日福利
- 零食下午茶
- 带薪假期
- 补充公积金