- 北京
- 3-5年
- 大专
- 信息安全
- 安全
- 网络安全
岗位职责: 1kanzhun、根据项目需要,实施经过合法授权的主机、网络和Web安全渗透测试和安全加固。 2、具有较好的文字表达能力,根据测试结果出具测试报告 3、在出现网络攻击或安全事件时,提供应急响应服务,协助用户恢复系统及调查取证; 岗位要求: 1、熟悉asp,php、jsp等主流的Web安全技术,包括SQL注入、XSS、CSRF、命令执行、越权等常直聘见的安全漏洞; 2、熟练掌握OWASP TOP10漏洞的利用手法,了解Apache、Nginx、IIS等中间件漏洞boss; 3、熟悉常用安全工具,如:AppScan、wvs、Burp suite、Nmap、Sqlmap等; 优先考虑的条件: 1、精通多种安全技术,掌握或熟来自BOSS直聘悉各种攻击与防护技术; 2、具有一定的编程能力,可以自己编写简单的攻击和检测程序; 3、有相关领域的研究成果者优先考虑。 4、在各漏洞提交平台实际提交过高风险漏洞优先。 5、大专以上学历,至少一年工作经验。
- 北京
- 10年以上
- 本科
- Windows
- Linux
- 信息安全认证
Position Description: Responsibilities 1. Assist Lenovo with the cyberboss security aspects of its responsible AI objectives. 2. Assist in the design, implementation, and deployment of technical controls to protect Lenovo. 3. Lead and conduct project technical security assessments and provide guidance. 4. Lead and conduct third party security assessments. 5 Create and maintain technical security standards. 6 Assist in incident response processes. 7 Security operations assistance as needed. 8 Domestic anBOSS直聘d international travel may be required (5%) for technical meetings, workshops, and on-site collaboration activities. 9 Bring a passion to learn abossnd stay on top of cyber security threats and trends. 10 Bring discipline and dedication to ensure programs are secure and meet goals. Position Requirements 1 BA/BS degree in Computer Science, Information technology, Information Security or related software engineering field, or equivalent experience. 2 Current Certification in relevant field of Information Security and/or Cyber Security (e.g. CISSP; CISA; CISM; GIAC; CEH; Security) 3 Reasonable working knowledge of AI, cyber security and solution design as it pertains to Artificial intelligence. 4 Reasonable working knowledge of cloud-based AI service providers (ex. Azure, AWS, AliCloud) 5 General knowledge of cyber security controls frameworks (e.g. IS027001, NIST) * 6 At least 12 years of technical experience in at least one of the following: 7 Web application development, deployment, and support 8 Cloud administration - (e.g. AWS, Google, Azure, Tencent, Alibaba) 9 Network design, deployment, and administration 10 System administration (Linux or Windows) 11 Security engineering 12 Plus 5 or more years cyber security and/or information security principles related experience 13 Hands-on experience with a wide range of security tools. * Excellent oral and written communication skills Preferred Qualifications * Technical ex直聘perience in kanzhunmodern Generative AI solutions and platforms * Technical experience leading global security initiatives * Cyber Security operations and incident response * Vulnerability management
- 文字表达能力
- 网络攻击
- 研究成果
- 安全漏洞
- 文字表达
- 表达能力
- 应急响应
- 编程能力
- 安全加固
- 五险一金
- 定期体检
- 股票期权
- 带薪年假
- 节日福利
- 零食下午茶
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 年终奖
- 股票期权
- 带薪年假
- 免费班车
- 餐补
- 通讯补贴
- 节日福利
- 零食下午茶
- 工作居住证