- 武汉
- 不限
- 本科
- 化学化纤
- 英语可作为工作语言
- 无机品
- 有机品
一、工作职责 1.负责联系专家学者,组织稿件的同行评审,确保稿件的同行评审及时完成boss; 2.编排和处理稿件,确保稿件格式正确,及时发表; 3.与期刊主编,编委成员,作者及审稿人建立良好沟通,确保期刊正常运作,稿件顺利及时发表; 4.关注期刊学科领域内的研究进展,协助期刊责任编辑完成期刊发展目标。 二、职位要求 1.硕士博士优先,优秀的本科生亦可考虑; 2.化学,应用化学等相关专业; 3.英语六级; 4.熟练office办公软件; 5.学习能力强,能适应公司高强度职业培训,例如:参加职业培训讲座和一对一导师培训管理。 三、薪资福利 1.薪酬待遇:月基本薪酬本科8k以上,硕士11k以上,博士20-28k,丰厚的绩效奖金; 2.基础福利:六险一金,带薪年假,年度体检,节日福利,活动经费,茶歇晚餐等; 3.进阶福利:父母福利,子女福利,团队奖励,培训津贴,岗位津贴; 4.职业发展:导师培养,技能培训,管理培训,优秀员工提供出国交流和工作机会。 I. Job Responsibilities 1.Responsible for contacting experts and scholars to organize the peer review of manuscripts, ensuring that the peer review is completed in a timely manner. 2.Arrange and process manuscripts to ensure the correct format and timely publication. 3.Establish good communication with the journal's editor-in-chief, editorial board members, authors, and reviewers to ensure the normal operation of the journal and the smooth and timely publication of manuscripts. 4.Keep abreast of research developments in the journal’s field and assist the journal editor in achieving developmental goal. II. Job Requirements 1.Candidates with Master or Ph.D. degree are preferred; outstanding undergraduabosstes may also be considered. 2.Related majors, including but not limited to Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and related majors. 3.CET-6 (College English Test Band 6) or above. 4.Proficient in using Office software. 5.Strong learning ability and adaptability to high-intensity professional training, such as attending professional training seminars and one-on-one mentoring sessions. III. Salary and Benefits 1.Salary: Monthly base salary 8k and above for undergraduates, 11k and above for master’s degree, 20-28k for doctoral degree, as well as generous performance bonuses. 2.Basic benefits: Social insurance and housing fund, paid annual leave, annual health check-ups, holiday benefiBOSS直聘ts, activity funds, tea breaks, dinners, etc. 3.Advanced benefits: Parent benefits, children benefits, team rewards, training allowances, and position allowances. 4.Career development: Mentorship programs, skills training, management training, and opportunities for outstanding employees to participate in overseas exchanges and work.
- 武汉
- 不限
- 硕士
- 农用化工
- 日用化工
- 化妆品
- 化学专业
- 化肥
- 医药/生物
- 农药
- 食品专业
- 石油化工
- 食品/饮料
- 兽医兽药
- 环保专业
一、工作职责 1.负责联系专家学者,组织稿件的同行评审,确保稿件的同行评审及时完成; 2.编排和处理稿件,确保稿件格式正确,及时发表; 3.与期刊主编,编委成员,作者及审稿人建立良好沟通,确保期刊正常运作,稿件顺利及时发表; 4.关注期刊学科领域内的研究进展,协助期刊责任编辑完成期刊发展目标。 二、职位要求 1.硕士博士优先,优秀的本科生亦可考虑; 2.化学,应用化学等相关专业; 3.英语六级; 4.熟练office办公软件; 5.学习能力强,能适应公司高强度职业培训,例如:参加职业培训讲座和一对一导师培训管理。 三、薪资福利 1.薪酬待遇:月基本薪酬本科8k以上,硕士11k以上,博士20-28k,丰厚的绩效奖金; 2.基础福利:六险一金,带薪年假,年度体检,节日福利,活动经费,茶歇晚餐等; 3.进阶福利:父母福利,子女福利,团队奖励,培训津贴,岗位津贴; 4.职业发展:导师培养,技能培训,管理培训,优秀员工提供出国交流和工作机会。 四、办公地点 武汉市硚口区京汉大道688号武汉恒隆广场办公楼54层 五、联系方式 求职者请提供中英文简历 (含照片)。邮件标题格式请用:化学类英文学术期刊助理编辑-姓名-学校-专业-学历。 联系电话:027-87715899 联系邮箱:hr-wuhan@mdpi.com Assistant Editor for Chemistry English Academic Journal I. Job Responsibilities Responsible for contacting experts and scholars to organize the peer review of manuscripts, ensuring that the peer review is completed in a timely BOSS直聘manner. Arrange and process maBOSS直聘nuscripts to ensure the correct format and timely publication. Establish good communication with the journal's editor-in-chief, editorial board members, authors, an直聘d reviewers to ensure the normal operation of the journal and the smooth and timely publication of manuscripts. Keep abreast of research developmentsBOSS直聘 in the journal’s field and assist the journal editor in achieving developmental goal. II. Job Requirements Candidates with Master or Ph.D. degree are preferred; outstanding undergraduates may also be considered. Related majors, including but not limited to Chemistry, Applied Chemistry and related majors. CET-6 (College English Test Band 6) or above. Proficient in using Office software. Strong learning ability and adaptability to high-intensity professional training, such as attending professional training seminars and one-on-one mentoring sessions. III. Salary and Benefits Salary: Monthly base salary 8k and above for undergraduates, 11k and above for master’s degree, 20-28k for doctoral degree, as well as generous performance bonuses. Basic benefits: Social insurance and housing fund, paid annual leave, annual health check-ups, holiday benefits, activity funds, tea breaks, dinners, etc. Advanced benefits: Parent benefits, children benefits, team rewards, training allowances, and position allowances. Career development: Mentorship programs, skills training, management training, and opportunities for outstanding employees to participate kanzhunin overseas exchanges and work. IV. Office Location 54th Floor, Wuhan Henglong Plaza Office Building, 688 Jinghan Avenue, Qiaokou District, Wuhan City
- 培训管理
- 良好沟通
- 责任编辑
- 应用化学
- 办公软件
- 学习能力
- 英语六级
- CET-6
- 发展目标
- 研究进展
- 培训管理
- 良好沟通
- 责任编辑
- 应用化学
- 办公软件
- 学习能力
- 英语六级
- CET-6
- 发展目标
- 研究进展
- 六险一金
- 意外险
- 定期体检
- 绩效奖金
- 带薪年假
- 员工旅游
- 零食下午茶
- 团建聚餐
- 节日福利
- 生日福利
- 六险一金
- 意外险
- 定期体检
- 绩效奖金
- 带薪年假
- 员工旅游
- 零食下午茶
- 团建聚餐
- 节日福利
- 生日福利