- 上海
- 不限
- 不限
- 教师
- 上海
- 1-3年
- 本科
- 学科应试类
- 生物
- 活动策划
- 小班教学(3-25人)
- 培训机构
- 线下教育
- 雅思
- 线上教育
- 英语
- 留学背景
- 互联网教育平台使用
- 外语发音标准
- 留学与语言培训类
- 物理
- 大型教育机构经验
- 坐班
- 留学生
- 中学生
- 不坐班
- 托福
- 一对一教学
Job Title 1. English Reading and Writing Teacher (G2–8) | Full-time & Part-time | Office 2. AP Subject Teacher | Part-time | Office 3. IB / IGCSE Subject Teacher | Part-time | Office Part-time Salary: 300–400rmb/hour Full-time: negotiable About the Company Founded in 2008, KAN Education Group is an exclusive private education company located in Gubei, Shanghai, that teaches the international school students, mainlkanzhuny in China (Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, Guanzhou, and Ningbo), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh), and South Korea (Seoul and Jeju Island). Our Student Pool Includes Top G2–11 students from International Schools such as SAS, Concordia, Wellington College, Dulwich College, BISS, SSIS, and etc. who mostly end up attending one of the global top 50 universities. About the Job English Reading and Writing Teacher (G2–8) — We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated English teacher with a love of education to join our team to encourage all students to make progress in this subject regardless of their ability. Specifically, you will be teaching these students how to think an来自BOSS直聘d write better academically in English. AP / IB / IGCSE Subject Teacher — We are looking for a teacher who can teach one of the followings subjects: Economics, Literature, MathematicsBOSS直聘, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, US/World History Qualifications • Bachelor’s degree in any field of subject (fluent English is a must) • Preferably 2+ years of hands-on work experience if you do not hold an adequate visa to stay and work in mainland China • Collaborative team player, capable of working well with others, but also autonomously with little direction (strong interpersonal and communication skill) • 全日制海外硕士毕业(English Literature/ TESOL / Education / Translation相关专业优先考虑) • 雅思8分或以上(单项两门8以上)优先考虑 或 托福105以上优先考虑 • 有英美文学背景或相关工作经验者优佳 Salary Package 300–400rmb/hour直聘 (incentive is given based on capability and performance) Work Hours (Full-time) Regular Season Intensive Course March ~ May 3PM ~ 10PM (6h) June ~ August 9AM ~ 7PM (9h) Sep ~ Nov 3PM ~ 10PM (6h) Dec ~ Feb 9kanzhunAM ~ 7PM (9h) Five working days Five to six working days A week of holidays is given after each intensive course - Please note that part-time teaching is also available Contact Details | Applications Email: eugenejhy@gmail.com
- 教学经验
- 五险一金
- 加班补助
- 年终奖
- 带薪年假
- 节日福利
- 住房补贴
- 生日福利
- 免费工装
- 有无线网
- 团建聚餐
- 零食下午茶
- 餐补
- 五险一金