- 上海
- 3-5年
- 本科
- 第三方造价咨询公司
- 土木建筑工程
- 安装工程
Responsibilities • Assisting on feasibility studies and writing procurement reports • Estimating and cost planning to include producing and presenting the final cost plan to internal & external clients • Tendering (single and two stage) and procuring, including managing the pre-qualification stage • Dealing effectively with post contract cost variances and the change control processes • Taking personal responsibility for making cost checks and carrying out valuations on larger projects and in all cases ensuring that timely and accurate cost checking and valuation takes place • Producing monthly post contract cost reports and presenting them to the client • Inputting into value engineering • Negotiating and agreeing final accounts • Interfacing with the client and other consultants, at all project stages Qualifications • Bachelor's degree or above in cost management related major • At least 2 years of experience BOSS直聘in delivering high quality cost management/quantity surveying services across the full project lifecycle • Professionally qualified (RICS or similar) preferred • Ability to successfully manage and prioritize more than one project at a time. • Experience in delivering CSA or MEP elements of work for clients • Utilizing digital software for delivery of cost management services • Commercially astuteboss with good negotiation skills • Excellent people person and great communicator, both client facing and team based
- 上海
- 3-5年
- 本科
- 一级造价工程师
- 施工单位
- 广联达
- 安装工程
1、配合项目经理做好公司工程成本核算,工程用料、人工材料费的分析,结合工程直聘开展定额分析,核定各种资源消耗情况。 2、熟悉项目施工图纸,熟悉施工现场,了解工程合同。 3、参与在建项目的预算和竣工后的结算工作,审核在建来自BOSS直聘项目已完工程月度款计划和月度付款额。 boss4.参与各类合同的洽谈,掌握市场价格信息,对工程造价做出评价分析。 直聘5、kanzhun对工程项目进行成本核算。 6、做好各项目数据的存档工作。
- 了解工程
- 项目经理
- 施工图纸
- 施工现场
- 成本核算
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 年终奖
- 带薪年假
- 员工旅游
- 通讯补贴
- 生日福利
- 团建聚餐
- 零食下午茶
- 意外险
- 五险一金
- 意外险
- 定期体检
- 年终奖
- 绩效奖金
- 保底工资
- 底薪加提成
- 节假日加班费
- 带薪年假
- 餐补
- 团建聚餐
- 通讯补贴
- 高温补贴