


  • 在线教育
  • 未融资


  • 培训/辅导机构
  • 未融资


  • 上海
  • 3-5年
  • 本科
  • 英语教育
  • 小学教育
  • 助教

【岗位职责】 1. 教授及辅导学员课程; 2. 做好各项备课工作、准备教案与授课教具; 3. 做好教室及教具的维护和管理; 4. 保持与学生及家长的沟通,建立良好的师生关系,做好各种学员服务; 5. 负责教务管理,配合公司所有营运目标与确保kanzhun学习品质; 6. 配合执行公司各期的宣传活动。 【任职要求】 1.大学本科以上学历,有一年以上BOSS直聘教学经验,持教师资格boss证书的优先考虑; 2.英语教育、英语、翻译等师范类相关专业应届毕业生优先考虑; 3.英语四级以上,良好的英语听说读BOSS直聘写能力,流利标准的英文发音; 4.对于英语教学感兴趣,热爱教育事业; 5.良好的理解能力并具备团队直聘合作精神; 6.创新精神及积极主动的探索精神; 7.能适应周末上班的优先考虑。


  • 上海
  • 1-3年
  • 本科
  • 教师
  • 线下授课
  • 全职
  • 培训机构

Synopsis: As an English Teacher at EF Education First Kids & Teens, you will join our academic team together with international teachers to deliver high quality English lessons and academic services to our students from 3-18 years old (mainly 3-12 years old). The role: The teacher position is an essential and key position in EF schools. The responsibilities mainly include preparing and delivering lessons, administering and reporting students’ learning progress and coordinating with other functions to maintain effective relations. You will: • Prepare and carry out lessons as assigned by the Director of Studies • Correct, record and administer the results of quizzes, testskanzhun, assessments and progress report for students • Communicate students’ progress and action plans with parents via phone and parent-teacher meetings • Assist in the placement testing and interviewing for new students’ enrollment • Carry out academic events including demo lessons, parent academy and life clubs • Attend teacher training presentations and workshops for own development • Substitute for absent colleagues, perhaps at short notice, on or off-site Your salary and benefits package: • Base salary based on city and qualifications • Teaching Bonus & Summer Bonus • Social Insurance including commercial insurance • Fast-track career advancement • 10+ paid annual leave days plus national holidays • kanzhunESL certification programs including Cambridge TKT, Cert PT and Cambridge DELTM • Free staff advanced English course • Weekly EF sponsored social events • Teacher advantages discount scheme You have/are: • Bachelor’s degree, National Teacher Certificate or TEFL/CELTA certificate preferred. • Major in English, English Education, TESOL, Applied Linguistics or relevant area • Command excellent communicative skills in English with TEM8/IELTS7 or above • Enjoy being with kids & teens and passionate about education and culture industry • Over 2 years ELT experience to kids & teens preferred but not a must • Availability for working evenings and weekends EF English First Kids & Teens is a leading company in the fast growing and promising ESL market of kids & teens. We provide first class quality of teaching and service to the customers and value people who are passionate about English education for children and skillful of doing their jobs. EF stands for "Education First". Founded in 1965 by entrepreneur Bertil Hult, EF is now the world’s largest private educational organization. With a mission to break down barriers ikanzhunn language, culture and geography, EF hasBOSS直聘 helped over 15 million people to learn a new language, discover the world, or earn an academic degree. EF operates 400 schools and offices in over 60 countries with 52,000 employees. To date, "Education First" is more than our company name. It is our corporate passion. EF is an equal opportunity employer. Join EF, we promise you a rewarding career where you can make a difference. TBOSS直聘o keep up with our worldwide growth, we are looking to hire more global entrepreneurs who want to drive business, break new ground, and see the world. If you think this could be you, then contact us and apply for this position. 岗位职责 1、理解英孚教育的教育理念及方法,掌握英孚教育的教学体系及内容,向学员传递英语知识及学习技能; 2、根据英孚教育的教学大纲和要求,按时准备教学方案,高质完成教学任务及其他教学活动; 3、及时跟进学员的学习情况,制定学习计划,督促、激励学员完成学习目标; 4、保持与学员、家长及客户的良好关系,协助销售人员达成续读、推荐和购买相关产品的销售目标; 5、按要求完成学校布置的各项常规和临时性工作任务;   岗位要求: 1、英语相关专业本科以上学历; 2、英语表达流利,英语专业八级以上; 3、具备与外教沟通的能力,有教学工作经验者优先; 4、高效、正确地传授英语知识及学习技能的业务能力。


  • 团队合作精神
  • 教师资格
  • 听说读写
  • 具备团队合作
  • 理解能力
  • 家长的沟通
  • 英语教育
  • 团队合作
  • 探索精神
  • 教学经验
  • 英语听说读写
  • 热爱教育
  • 宣传活动
  • 良好的英语
  • 英语听说读写能力
  • 英文发音
  • 创新精神
  • 英语四级
  • 英语教学
  • 合作精神
  • 听说读写能力
  • 读写能力



    • 业务能力
    • 表达流利
    • 英语表达
    • IELTS
    • 完成教学
    • 教学大纲
    • 教学活动
    • 完成教学任务
    • 制定学习计划
    • 沟通的能力



      上午11:00   -   下午08:00


      • 全勤奖


      • 五险一金
      • 补充医疗保险
      • 定期体检
      • 带薪年假
      • 零食下午茶
      • 有无线网
      • 团建聚餐
      • 底薪加提成
      • 保底工资
      • 绩效奖金
      更新于 2024-09-09