- 北京
- 3-5年
- 硕士
- 日结
- 深度学习
- 大模型算法
- 自然语言处理算法
- 模型加速/性能优化
- C/C++
- 算法工程化经验
- 发表算法相关优秀论文
THE ROLE: AMD is looking for an influential software engineer who is passionate about improving the performance of key applications and benchmarks. You will be a member of a core team of incredibly talented industry specialists and will work with the very latest hardware and software technology. THE PERSON: The ideal candidate should be passionate about software engineering and possess leadership skills to drive sophisticated issues to resolution. Able to communicate effectively and work optimally with dif来自BOSS直聘ferent teams across AMD. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Research and develop CNN/LLM comp直聘ression algorithms, focusing on quantization and pruning Develop neural network compression tool chain, connecting software and hardware Stay up to date with the latest neural network compression algorithm trends and deep learning framework (Pytorch,ONNXRuntime) trends PREFERRED EXPERIENCE: Good knowledge of machine learning/deep learning, including CNN/LLM Experience in at least one deep learning framework, such as Pytorch, ONNXRuntime At least 3 years’ experience in C++ or Python programming under Linux Fluent English communication with native speaker With research, creativity, and ability to learn the cutting-edge algorithms and theories through paper reading Experience in academic papers is preferred, such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NIPS, ICLR,TPAMI Experience in CNN/LLM model compression algorithms is preferred ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS: Master's or Doctor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engbossineering, Electrical Engineering, or equivalent
- 北京
- 3-5年
- 本科
- 算法
岗位职责: 利用滴滴海量的出行数据和数据挖掘、机器学习等技术,提升POI数据准确,达到时间估计,路线规划,BOSS直聘路况计算等准确性,提升滴滴平台用户出行体验和平台交易效率,降低城市拥堵,提升绿色出行,保障司乘安全kanzhun;boss 任职资格: 使用领先的数据挖掘和机器学BOSS直聘习技术提升滴滴的用户体验; 有数据挖掘,机器学习,最优化理论等相关基础, 熟悉基本算法; 熟悉常用的特征工程方法,熟悉Online Learning相关算法,熟悉Deep LearningBOSS直聘; 有大数据相关系统,如map-reduce、spark、mpi等经验者优先; 踏实勤奋,自我驱动;
- 基本算法
- 机器学习
- 用户体验
- 数据相关
- 相关算法
- 数据挖掘
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检