- 大连
- 在校/应届
- 本科
- 教育培训
- 策划
- 项目
1、协助项目经理来自BOSS直聘进行财经培训类项目开发工作; kanzhun2、协助项目经理进行竞品分析、财经教育行业调查等工作; 3、学员的线上\线下活动运营; 4、协助项目经理组织、策划和执行项目的市场公关活直聘动; 5、组织区域市场调研、竞争信息收集、市场boss情报直聘收集和分析; 6、负责客户管理,建立并维护客户信息数据库,为客户提供个性化服务,提升客户价值; 7、与其他部门在横向沟通方面,相互配合,共同推动业务发展。
- 大连
- 在校/应届
- 本科
- 韩语和英语良好
职位描述: 1. 负责翻译项目进行中的内外部沟通,了解内外部需求; 2. 根据项目要求,制定项目计划,协调内部和外部翻译资源确保翻译任务按时完成; 3. 负责项目风险预估及控制; 4. 负责跟进项目流程规划,作为翻译员与国外项目经理的沟通桥梁,及时将项目经理的要求传达给译员并将译员的反馈搜集整理后报给项目经理; 5. 监控项目进展,及时向内部和外部反馈潜在问题,确保高质量的按时提交; 6. 整理和完善相关项目报表和记录; 7. 负责妥善处理客户投诉,协调内部质量调查,制定质量改善计划。 要求: 1. 优秀的韩语听说读写能力,英语基本读写沟通能力,获韩语高级TOPIK-5或以上证书,英语CET-4相当水平;接受优秀应届生; 2. 较强的计划能力,协调能力和组织能力; 3.拥有外贸或流程管理经验及本地化项目管理经验优先; 4. 出色的团队意识,勇于接受挑战; 5. 熟悉办公软件的使用。 About The Role: Performs a variety of administrative and coordination functions to support the Translation and Resourcing teams to deliver high quality results. Applies working knowledge of the translation function and coordination skills to ensure effective resourcing of translation projects. Work schedule: Monday through Friday, 40 hours per week. Key responsibilities: Operational Excellence – Contacts freelance translators using the vendor database to staff translation projects. Communicates with manager and/or team on status of requests in a timely fashion. Ensures a high level of accuracy in the vendor database by ensuring Supply Chain update essential information (e.g., booking information, availability, contact info, skills, rates/discounts, performance history.) Supports project activities such as file analysis and preparation, sending prepared information to freelance translators. Delivers Quality, Value, and Results – Ensures qualified resources are identified by clarifying requirements for resources up front (e.g., specific skills, profile, availability). Monitors schedules of freelancers and alerts manager/team of potential resourcing conflicts (e.g., holidays, vacations.) Highlights new resources and performance histories/skills to team in order to identify the best resource for the project. Functional Excellence – Actively learns about processes, policies and tools (e.g., vendor database) in order to perform his/her work efficiently and effectively. Learns strategies to identify the best resources for projects (e.g., understanding skills, search/selection techniques, resource planninbossg.直聘) Relbossationship Building - Builds strong relationships with team members by demonstrating strong communication skills (e.g., clarifying requirements, providing timely updates). Works collaboratively with the Supply Chain team to ensure updates to the database. Demonstrates a high degree of professionalism when working with external vendors and freelancers. Skill Required • Major in Korean is preferred. Have the certificate of Korean major band 8 or TOPIK 6. • English is fluent, CET 6 preferred or at least CET 4. • Intern working experience in project management and localization industry can be plus. • Ability to prioritize and to work to tight deadlines • Good at planning and result oriented • Advanced verbal and written communication skills with an excellent telephone manner • Proactive and flexible approach, reliable and systematic • PC literate with good experience of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel • Experience with Translation Memory tools is an advantage 职位福利:弹性工作、五险一金、绩效奖金、加班补助、带薪年假、补充医疗保险、定期体检、周末双休 职位亮点:国际化协助,多语言多元文化
- 客户信息
- 公关活动
- 收集和分析
- 市场情报
- 信息收集
- 线下活动
- 开发工作
- 客户管理
- 项目经理
- 外部沟通
- 项目报表
- 办公软件
- 听说读写
- 流程管理经验
- 项目管理
- CET-4
- 项目管理经验
- 组织能力
- 团队意识
- 流程管理
- 妥善处理
- 客户投诉
- 协调能力
- 项目进展
- 计划能力
- 沟通能力
- 管理经验
- 搜集整理
- 项目计划
- 听说读写能力
- 沟通桥梁
- 读写能力
- 项目经理
- 生日福利
- 节日福利
- 通讯补贴
- 团建聚餐
- 带薪年假
- 股票期权
- 底薪加提成
- 保底工资
- 绩效奖金
- 年终奖
- 定期体检
- 补充医疗保险
- 五险一金
- 合伙人计划
- 夜班补助
- 节假日加班费
- 法定节假日三薪
- 员工旅游
- 高温补贴
- 生日福利
- 节日福利
- 带薪年假
- 加班补助
- 定期体检
- 补充医疗保险
- 五险一金