- 上海
- 3-5年
- 硕士
- 算法
岗位职责: 1. 融合多传感器感知和定位数据,研发规划算法,负责决策与规划算法的开发、调试与测试; 2. 全路径规划技术的研发,包括:路径规划,自主反充kanzhun,分区处理,自主避障,自主脱困等; 3. 算法的移植和产品化,实现智能全路径规划 任职要求kanzhun: 1.自动化、计算机、信息、传感器等相关专业本科及以上学历,;3年工作经验; 2.具有机器人决策与路径规划经验、轮式纵横向控制工作经历优先; 3.有实际自动驾驶或ADAS实车调试开发经验; 4.熟BOSS直聘悉Linux和ROS,熟悉ROS下机器人系统的设计开发; 5.熟悉C、C++、Python编程和常用数据结构算法; 6.具备良好的逻辑沟通能力和解决实际直聘问题的能直聘力。 7.具有较强的快速学习、分析能力和创新意识,具有良好团队合作精神能力
- 上海
- 1-3年
- 硕士
- 鲁棒控制
职位描述 Responsibilities: 1. Proactively participate in the research, development, application, and transition of algorithms for estimation, system identification, fault diagonostic and classification, and advanced control designs in the context of the AMEC internal customers, including M直聘OCVD, EPI, LPCVD and Etch for diverse applications. 2. Work effectively in a multi-disciplinary team and closely collaborate with AMEC internal custo来自BOSS直聘mers to clearly understand and quantify their challenges and specifications. 3. Promote model-based system engineering to better support AMEC products design and development with dynamics in multiple domains including thermal, fluid, mechanical, and electrical systems. 4. Imple直聘ment control algorithms in real-time systems for in-field performances verification. Requirements: 1. Ph.D. majored in automatic control, electric engineering, mechanical and aerospace engineering 2. Ability to perform control architecture evaluation and selection, dynamic modeling, estimation, system identification, and control system analysis, design, implementation and verification. A bossstrong background in model-based control design. 2. Solid knowledge of classical and modern control theory with learned courses on modern control theory and optimization theory, for example, LQR/LQG, MPC, H-infinity control, adaptive control, and FDC. 3. Rich experiences in integration solution development with C, C++, Matlab and Simulink 4. Excellent oral and written communication skills are essential, and the candidate is expected to have published in control-related conferences or journals. 5. Knowledge of embedded systems and thermal engineering is a strong plus. The demonstrated ability to lead control-oriented projects is a strong plus as well.
- 自动驾驶
- 团队合作精神
- 良好的逻辑
- 设计开发
- 沟通能力和
- 良好团队合作
- 系统的设计
- 团队合作
- 数据结构
- 创新意识
- 常用数据结构
- 沟通能力
- 分析能力
- 开发经验
- 数据结构算法
- 合作精神
- 解决实际问题
- 五险一金
- 定期体检
- 年终奖
- 股票期权
- 带薪年假
- 餐补
- 通讯补贴
- 交通补助
- 节日福利
- 零食下午茶
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 带薪年假
- 通讯补贴
- 包吃
- 节日福利
- 零食下午茶