- 无锡
- 3-5年
- 本科
- C++
- QT
Roles and Responsibilities In this role, you will: • Be responsible for defining, deveBOSS直聘loping, and evolving software in a fast paced and agile development environment using the latest software development technologies and infrastructure • Work cross functionally with other business departments to align activities and deliverables • Apply principles of SDLC and methodologies like Lean/Agile/XP, CI, Software and Product Security, Scalability, Documentation Practices, refactoring and Testing Techniques • Write code that meets standards and delivers desired functionality using the technology selected for the project • Understand performance parameters and assess application performance Required Qualifications • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or relatedkanzhun computer field with advanced experience. • Desired Technical Expertise: • Experience with Windows and Unix / Linux based programming • Experience in object oriented design methodology • Experience in programming languages like C, C++(3 years above) and scripting languages such as Python/Shell/batch(1 years above) • Familiar Graphical User Interface design by Qt library • Workkanzhuning knowledge in configuration management tools such as Gitlab/SVN • IDE Experience: Visual Studio Code and Qt Creator • Prior work experience in an agile environment, or introductory training on Lean/Agile. Aware of and able to apply continuous integration (CI) • Desired Characteristics: • Effective team building abilities • Creative problem solver and solution developer when presekanzhunnted with technical issues 要求:985/211及以上学历,英语可以作为工作语言,C++QT经BOSS直聘验,医疗器械或者精密仪器的上机位开发
- 无锡
- 3-5年
- 本科
- C#
- VC
职责描述: 1. 负责X-ray射线设备平台软件的维护与优化; 2. 负责现有或新项目设备软件的开发与二次开发; 3. 软件产品功能模块设计及代买编写; 4. 负责软件平台的文档撰写 。 任职要直聘求: 1、本科以上学历,计算机、软件、数学等相关专业; 2、三年以上软件项目开发经验,有完整软件开发周期经验,具备项目各阶段程序编写能力; 3、掌握C/C++语言和VC开发工具,熟练使用VC6.0/VS2012/VS2015等开发环境; 4、理解windows的核心机制:图形系来自BOSS直聘统、进程、线程、内来自BOSS直聘存管理、存储管理、I/O系统、缓存管理、文件系统、网络、完全性等; 5、熟悉kanzhunHalcon图像处理、运动控制卡优先; 6、思维严谨,有责任心,沟通能力佳,能来自BOSS直聘全局掌控软件设计/开发/单元测试/集成测试/安装售后全流程
- 精密仪器
- 沟通能力佳
- 项目开发经验
- C++语言
- 运动控制
- 软件设计
- 程序编写
- 内存管理
- 模块设计
- C/C++
- 软件项目
- 二次开发
- 沟通能力
- 开发工具
- 图像处理
- 开发经验
- 单元测试
- 开发环境
- 运动控制卡
- 文档撰写
- 软件开发
- 生日福利
- 节日福利
- 免费班车
- 免费工装
- 团建聚餐
- 员工旅游
- 带薪年假
- 工龄奖
- 绩效奖金
- 年终奖
- 定期体检
- 五险一金
- 观影活动