- 北京
- 5-10年
- 硕士
- 射频开发
Main Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the modeling of the SAW devices, including designing and simulation. Responsible for the development, design, verification, and testing of SAW devices and packaging. 2. Responsible for SAW devices performance assessment and producing design document and data sheet. 3. Assist in developing 来自BOSS直聘test specifications and solving problems during the developing process. 4. Cooperate with fabrication engineers to optimize the structure of SAW devices. 5. Technician/Engineer training of SAW devices designing. 6. Assist FAE to complete the verifi直聘cation on the client-side. Qualifications&Requirements: 1. At least 5 years’ experience in SAW filter and duplexer design, packaging technology development and process development for mobile devices applications in top international enterprises which produces SAW devices. At least one complete design experience of a mass-produced product during the period working in the top international enterprises. 2. Master’s Degree or above, major in microwave, electronics or microelectronics, etc. Excellent qualifications are open to Bachelor’s Degree. 3. Familiar with the basic principles, design method, and device properties of SAW devices, chip manufacture and packaging processes. 4. Skillful of RF and EDA tools. 5. Capable of solving difficult problems in resonator modeling and filtbosser design via MATLAB is a plus. 6. Skillful of vector network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, oscilloscope, and other related test equipment. 7. Capable of customized chip design based on the present and future requirements of the customers. 8. Good skills in communication, analytical and problem solvingkanzhun, English literature and patent reading, and project delivery skills.
- 北京
- 10年以上
- 硕士
- 激光通信
岗位职责: 1、卫星激光终端产品矩阵化规划制定; 2、轻型卫星激光通信终端总体方案设计;BOSS直聘 3、通信终端各分系统工程化开发; 4、通信终端分系统集成、整机测试和试验; 5、通信终端在轨技术验证项目推进管理; 6、负责激直聘光通信链路总体设计,及与其他系统接口协调; 7、负责激光产品技术状态控制、标准规范与接口定义,新技术跟踪与实现; 8、负责激光链路与激光产品试验规范定义与验证; 任职资格: 1、具有激光通信、卫星通信、计算机直聘、光学工程、自动控制、光网络等相关专业背景优先; 2、熟悉空间激光通信系boss统、激光通信规范、精密运动控制、CPU与FPGA软硬件开发调试等相关技术优先; 3、具有较强的组织协调能力、问题分析能力、有效沟通能力、专业BOSS直聘学习能力、文字表达能力。
- 组织协调能力
- 文字表达能力
- 方案设计
- 运动控制
- 文字表达
- 硬件开发
- 协调能力
- 组织协调
- 项目推进
- 问题分析能力
- 沟通能力
- 分析能力
- 表达能力
- 问题分析
- 有效沟通
- 学习能力
- 自动控制
- 五险一金
- 定期体检
- 带薪年假
- 餐补
- 交通补助
- 五险一金
- 补充医疗保险
- 定期体检
- 加班补助
- 年终奖
- 股票期权
- 带薪年假
- 员工旅游
- 节日福利
- 零食下午茶